Chartering, Demurrage and Operational Solutions
We can help you with a variety of projects that are operational or commercial in nature. From charter party term negotiation to working with your firm on demurrage analysis, Regulus can add value to your firm.

Maritime Software Strategy
(Sprint Planning/Scrum Masters)
Maritime technology has exploded in the past decade and Mr. Aversano has been there. We can take practical experience of traditional maritime business knowhow and technology best practices and translate that to your success.

Experts on Quality Assurance
(QA- Automatic Testing)
Technology continues to be a growing part of the maritime business. We have the understanding of how technology interfaces with the maritime business can give you the insight in to pre and post launch expert user testing and product marketing.

Driven by Our Customers Success
The Greek Philospher Zeno of Citium is attributed with saying: “We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say.” Listening to client needs is the foundation of the approach at Regulus Ocean. We then work closely with our client to evaluate needs, and find a path to successfully reach the goal.
We Are Product of Our Expertise
Christopher L. Aversano
Chris has spent his entire professional career in the maritime space. It is not merely his profession but his passion. His love for this industry started at sea serving as a ships’ officer.
Chris was in a leadership position of the largest maritime non-profits, the Connecticut Maritime Association, during the entirety of the COVID epidemic. He successfully oversaw the first ever virtual conference, first ever North American Shipping Week….